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I felt that the story of Sarbjit was meant to be told: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

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I felt that the story of Sarbjit was meant to be told: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

- Team RadioCity

Team Radio City met up with the most beautiful woman in the world for an exclusive chat, following the success of 'Sarbjit'. Here's an excerpt from the inspiring interview as Ash talks about what she went through to play Dalbir Kaur on-screen seamlessly.Please tell us about your take on the audience perception towards the movie.I think the audience reaction has been extremely overwhelming. Word of mouth has played an immense part to this whole process. So I humbly thank the audience for contributing towards making this film, the success it is.So far the reviews suggest that Aishwarya should be awarded and recognised for this role. When you receive such feedback, how do you feel?I think I've received it already with the response. I cannot ask for anything further than this. When you receive the appreciation and love from the audience, nothing can beat that.We know you must've answered this before, but still we would like to know, what was the pressure or the challenge behind playing Dalbir Kaur?More than pressure, it was a personal decision that I had taken. The minute I heard the film's title, I agreed to do it. I had a personal reason too because when Dalbir had filed a petition to bring Sarabjit back a couple of years ago, I had signed up for it. So I felt a connection and a responsibility towards it. Also Omung had emphasized that the story is from the perspective of Dalbir because many of us know about the story only through what has been documented through news. But here we were getting an in-hand account of Sarabjit's story through Dalbir herself. So I felt I must take this up because for many people, Dalbir was Sarabjit. She was his voice of reason in India and Pakistan. She was him for her family and for the media. Some people were of the opinion that why is the film's name not 'Dalbir' then. But I said that when we say 'Sarbjit' you can immediately relate to the story and know where it is coming from. Also the cinematic experience that this film offers will leave you pondering about the movie much after you've left the theatre. So I felt that I should be a part of this journey.We feel that 'Sarbjit' makes us feel that we knew what was happening yet we did nothing. It makes us feel helpless and guilty. Do you agree?It makes you feel so many things at once. But the most important takeaway from this is hope. God forbid that no one should go through what Dalbir and the family did. I mean, we cannot think about tomorrow from today and then to have lived for 18 years in the hope to meet Sarabjit someday is unimaginable. Even now, Dalbir says that maybe what happened with them was destined to happen. But even then she is not embittered. She is extremely spirited that it kind of shocks you. This movie will make you feel that no matter what, never let the hopes die down.There are several moments in the film that send a chill down the spine. Our pick is when you receive a good news and start dancing. What was the preparation behind that?What I did was very instinctive because we were not given enough time to enact what we were told to. So for that brief period I decided to go by my instincts. So whatever we have done in these intense scenes have all come from within because most of us had connected to this story on a personal level.Obviously when you do a film as intense as this, everyone would want to know what the feedback from the Bachchans was. We want to know what the feedback of your brother was?Firstly, he is a guy of very few words and a lot of people do not know that I am the younger sibling. So when we introduce each other to people, he very politely adds that he is the elder brother. So when people act astonished, I feel flattered because I have always been the talkative one, but then I feel thankful towards my parents that they've always treated us as equals. So when we walked out of the premiere he hugged me first and then very silently whispered in our language, 'You made me cry'. That teared me up as well.What is your message for those who are yet to see this film?Firstly, I thank all of you who have seen the film. For those who haven't, all I can say is that this film has been made with a lot of heart and soul. If you value relationships and patriotism and if you are a sensitive human being, you will definitely like this film. To see pictures of the success bash for 39Sarbjit39, click here