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My idea of being an actor was to live the lives of others: Randeep Hooda

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My idea of being an actor was to live the lives of others: Randeep Hooda

- Team RadioCity

Team Radio City caught up with the stars of 'Do Lafzon Ki Kahani' for an exclusive chat as the two gorgeous leads, Randeep Hooda and Kajal Agarwal spilled the beans about their preparation and about each other. Read on.How do you feel that the trailer and the music has been well-received?Randeep: I feel great as this is my first bonafide love story. There is action, drama, emotion, beautiful songs and a beautiful woman. So what if she is blind, laughs but she is beautiful. So I'm very happy with the reception so far as this movie is a complete take off from the genres I've dealt with. Among the different shift, I think this is the most refreshing movie that I've done.Kajal: The response is positive and I am eager to know what the reception towards the film is.Randeep, it has been a physically taxing year for you. You had to lose weight for 'Sarbjit' and then beef up again for this film. How did you manage this Herculean task?Randeep: I have no clue how did I manage this as even I had lost track with the constant fluctuations. For this movie, I used to seek training for mixed martial arts, eat and then sleep for hours. The amount of painkillers I've taken in six months would be more than what anyone has taken in their entire life. How did I cope with this has to do with maybe, my Jatt genes and secondly, Ive studied in a school that gave more importance to sports. So my body is quite malleable. I do not know if I would be able to do this after ten years. But my problem is that when I sign up for my films, I have no idea about how much efforts I would have to put. It is only after I sign up a film do I realise what I have gotten myself into.Kajal, even for your role, you actually visited a blind school to understand their lives.Kajal: Yes you're right. I visited the XRCVC which is a school for the blind by the Xavier's institution. So I interacted with their students and tried to understand how life is for them. For example, when they pour a glass of water, they put their finger into the glass so that the water does not overspill. This is common sense yet we would not imply this in our regular lives but they do so. So I've incorporated this in the film. Also, Ive learnt about the basics of using the Braille which was not used in the movie but nevertheless, it still helped in getting into the character better.While you have been dabbling in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi films, how longer should we wait to see you regularly in Hindi movies now?Kajal: Laughs. No, now you will see me often. I will also come in back-to-back releases like Randeep does and I will appear in promotion after promotion.Randeep, we hear that you actually fought with real Thai boxers for the film.Randeep: Yes man. And I've lost count of how many blows did I receive because when they hit, they can make you see stars. Inspite of telling them to go steady, they would get carried away and hit me literally. So once, I decided to retaliate and give them back a bit. But it really enriched my experience all the more. I don't do films to appear on magazine covers or for promotions or to give lengthy interviews and live the starrry life. My idea of being an actor was to live the lives of others. So through this film, my love and respect for sportsmen has gone up by many notches because I belong to a sports school. So if I were to be given a choice between being a sportsman and a film star, I would choose the former.Kajal, we her that your team find you very easy to work with. Do you agree?Kajal: It is not an image-based thing but yes, I like coming on time, finishing my work and leave. Work is primary for me and everything else in between doesn't matter. I have been built like that so that is how it will remain.Randeep, after spending so many days on sets together, what are your thoughts about Kajal?Randeep: She is very vivacious and has a very natural energy to her. She doesn't keep any vices and lets bygones be bygones. Which I admire because you shouldn't cry over trivial things and must just move one. She is a very spontaneous actress and I feel she will go a long way.The soundtrack of the movie includes all the super singers of the current lot. How did that happen?Randeep: I don't pay much attention to soundtracks of other movies but I feel from my movies, after 'Jism 2', this movie has the best soundtrack with songs one better than the other.What has been the most frequently asked question at an interview for both of you?Kajal: Why aren't you doing more Hindi movies?Randeep: How did you manage this transformation?The movie releases on June 10th. What would you like to tell your readers out there?Randeep: This is a perfect date movie and also a great love story. And a must-have for a great love story is good music and the movie has kick-ass music. Also, the film has fairly two good-looking people, laughs so I'm sure you will like it.Kajal: It is a very simple emotional love story. It's about how fate connects two people, separates them and how they reconcile. So please do watch it at a theatre near you.