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My songs are instinctive: Prateek Kuhad

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My songs are instinctive: Prateek Kuhad

- Neha Parulkar

Singer-songwriter Prateek Kuhad's second EP titled 'Raat Raazi' is multi-lingual and comprises of 5 tracks. In his interview he talks about the album, his collaborations and his idea behind scripting a song. Here are some excerpts from the interview..Q How did this collective comprising of Prateek Kuhad, Nikhil Vasudevan and Akshay Johar happen?Prateek: I know Nikhil through the bassist I use to work with Sahil, who also features in the album. I heard him playing drums in couple of acts and then he came down to the studio and played drums on few tracks and then we decided to get together. Akshay: Prateek and I heard each other's acts at a festival called 'Escape'. Initially, we were skeptical about working with each other as we had different sounds and style. But, we both went with our gut instinct because even though are sounds were different, we liked each other's music and therefore, the collaboration happened. Q You even pen your own songs. How do you come up the lyrics?Prateek: All the writing I do is very instinctive and try to keep it as organic as possible. I write whatever comes naturally, I do not plan anything per say. Q Has your sound changed, since the band has different set of musicians as of now?Prateek: It has changed in general. It has changed from the arrangement point of view, it has more elements now. The entire album is slightly raw and unplugged.Q Indie scene has changed drastically in the past 5 years. What changes have you observed?Nikhil: When I got into the music scene, the first thing I decided was that I shall make my music but at the same time I shall work elsewhere. Now, the scene is that people do not have that mentality anymore. They are very much committed to music and living a modest life. Earlier it used to be mostly covers and one or two original compositions but today, everything is original and fresh. At present if an artist wants to play a gig at any top most venues of India, then his compositions have to be original. Q What's next for Prateek KuhadPrateek: This year I shall try to play as many gigs as possible. Also, put out a single or two. I have started planning my next album which will have a hint of electronic and more of harmony, strings, piano, etc. and hopefully come out next year.