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Spitfire aka Nitin Mishra tackles oppression and abuse through his hard-hitting latest, Black

Spitfire aka Nitin Mishra tackles oppression and abuse through his hard-hitting latest, Black

Team Radio City

When the Kathua rape case happened, rapper Spitfire aka Nitin Mishra was only 19 then. But he was well-aware of what did he hear then and how it affected him. He cried and then went on to express his rage. Through his verses.

The rapper wrote 'Black', his latest single then. Two years later, at 21, he realizes that irrespective of when does he release his song, the relevance remains as years may pass, but the reality hasn't changed. The victims names differ but not does their plight.

Composed and produced by Anushka Manchanda who performs alongside Spitfire as Nuka, 'Black', released by Ranveer Singh's IncInk Records, is a reflection of the teething rage and anger that refuses to settle down, unless the stringent laws proposed in the interest of women's safety and rights are not implemented and enforced upon a society that continues to oppress and gag the voices of our women.

'Black' is available on leading music platforms of your choice, if you'd like to listen. It's also playing on Radio City Freedom and Radio City Hip Hop



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