Ten Times Hrithik Roshan Stole Our Hearts in his Films

Team RadioCity

Ten Times Hrithik Roshan Stole Our Hearts in his Films

We can create a riot to achieve that well-toned body

The angry young man has never looked this brooding.

We would all love our 9-5 jobs if a corporate slacker looked this hot.

He made us believe that Akbar, the king wouldve looked as handsome as he did in Jodhaa Akbar.

The movie that drove his female fans crazy and still does even after a decade since its release.

Well, being cute can be charming. Trust us.

The most convincing fat-to-fit transformation ever told on celluloid.

He played a misguided terrorist in Mission Kashmir with the right amount of naivity and grit.

How he wore his innocence and vulnerability with pride in Fiza.

Rohit or Raj, the impact of his debut remains unmatched.

Hrithik Roshan is our very own Greek God and undoubtedly one of the sexiest actors, we can boast of. Very rare comes a combination of good looks and commendable acting skills and Hrithik possesses both. He has conquered many hearts over his impressive journey over two decades. Lets take you through the times when Hrithik stole our hearts with his films.