Top 5 unknown facts about Michael Jackson

These lesser-known facts about Michael Jackson highlight his innovative spirit, philanthropy, and lasting impact on music and popular culture.

Patent for Special Shoes:Michael Jackson patented a pair of shoes designed to allow him to perform his famous "Smooth Criminal" lean.The shoes had a specially designed heel slot that could hook onto a peg in the stage, allowing him to lean forward at a gravity-defying angle without falling over.

Elephant Encounter:During his visit to Africa in 1992, Michael Jackson befriended two elephants, named Gypsy and Sarah. He reportedly spent several hours playing with them and feeding them, forming a bond that showcased his love for animals.

Revolutionary Video Effects:The music video for "Black or White," released in 1991, featured cutting-edge morphing technology. This video used special effects that allowed faces to seamlessly transform into other faces, a groundbreaking visual technique at the time.

Pioneering Music Videos:Michael Jackson was instrumental in revolutionizing music videos as an art form. His videos for "Thriller," "Billie Jean," and "Smooth Criminal" set new standards for production value, choreography, and storytelling in the music industry.

Secret Charitable Contributions:Michael Jackson quietly donated millions of dollars to various charities throughout his career. He supported causes related to children's health, education, and humanitarian relief efforts, often without seeking publicity for his philanthropic activities.