Home > Videos > Beyond Muscle Feat. Ragini Prajwal: Shake it Off with U Rhythmix

Beyond Muscle Feat. Ragini Prajwal: Shake it Off with U Rhythmix


Welcome to another latest episode of Beyond Muscles! In this episode, dynamic and talented Ragini Prajwal sharing her fitness journey, passion for Platelets, and how she balances her acting career with a healthy lifestyle and also explore Ragini's fitness regime, pilates practice, and her mantra of 'Never Stop Learning' at Urhythmix Studio.

Welcome to another latest episode of Beyond Muscles! In this episode, dynamic and talented Ragini Prajwal sharing her fitness journey, passion for Platelets, and how she balances her acting career with a healthy lifestyle and also explore Ragini's fitness regime, pilates practice, and her mantra of 'Never Stop Learning' at Urhythmix Studio.