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Touch Me Not Empowering Safety for Women in Share Auto Rickshaws


Join 91.1 FM's powerful campaign, 'Touch Me Not,' dedicated to the safety of women commuters traveling in shared auto rickshaws. We've united all stakeholders, from everyday commuters to renowned film stars, and from the vigilant Mumbai traffic police to supportive auto unions.

Our campaign has ignited a wave of awareness across the city, encouraging women who have faced harassment and empathetic male commuters to share their stories through heartfelt calls and messages with the Radio City team. Together, we're not just shedding light on this issue we're actively seeking solutions. Be a part of the change - let's make shared auto rickshaws

Join 91.1 FM's powerful campaign, 'Touch Me Not,' dedicated to the safety of women commuters traveling in shared auto rickshaws. We've united all stakeholders, from everyday commuters to renowned film stars, and from the vigilant Mumbai traffic police to supportive auto unions.

Our campaign has ignited a wave of awareness across the city, encouraging women who have faced harassment and empathetic male commuters to share their stories through heartfelt calls and messages with the Radio City team. Together, we're not just shedding light on this issue we're actively seeking solutions. Be a part of the change - let's make shared auto rickshaws