
7 Key Points: Indian Budget 2024

By Radiocity Team
Published Jul 23, 2024

Capital Gains Tax

The budget raised long-term capital gains tax on all assets to 12.5 (up from 10) and increased short-term gains tax to 20per (from 15percentage)

Investor Impact

The budget brought varied news for investors, altering taxes on share sales and property transactions while eliminating a startup investment deterrent tax.

Job Creation Focus

The budget aims to boost economic growth and create jobs by prioritizing employment generation as a central focus of its initiatives.

Spending Priorities

More funds are directed to key sectors infrastructure, healthcare, and education emphasizing enhanced investment in these crucial areas.

Fiscal Discipline

The government strives to uphold fiscal discipline while tackling economic challenges, aiming to manage finances prudently amidst current economic difficulties


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Startups and Innovation

The budget promotes innovation and supports startups, emphasizing entrepreneurial growth and technological advancement.

Social Welfare

The budget focuses on social welfare, allocating funds for healthcare, education, and essential services to improve societal well-being.

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