
Things couples shouldn`t tell each other

By Radiocity Team
Published Jun 21, 2024

Past Intimate Details

Delving into explicit details of past relationships or intimate encounters can create unnecessary discomfort and may lead to insecurity or jealousy.

Insults or Name-Calling

Using hurtful language or demeaning remarks, even in anger, can damage trust and respect within the relationship.

Financial Secrets

Major financial decisions or hidden debts should be discussed openly to avoid misunderstandings and trust issues.

Negative Comparisons

Comparing your partner unfavorably to others or their own family members can undermine their self-esteem and create resentment.

Private Confidences Shared by Others

Revealing personal information or secrets shared by friends or family members in confidence breaches trust and privacy boundaries.


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Issuing ultimatums or threats can lead to power struggles and strain the relationship, instead of fostering healthy communication and compromise.

Unrealistic Expectations

Setting unrealistic expectations or demands on your partner, without considering their own needs or capabilities, can lead to frustration and disappointment.

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