Tips to Avoid Conjuctivitis in Monsoon
Wash your hands frequently
This is a key habit to prevent the spread of germs in general, but especially during monsoon. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid touching your eyes
Resist the urge to rub your eyes. Doing so can introduce germs and viruses from your hands to your eyes, increasing your risk of conjunctivitis.
Keep your surroundings clean
Dust mites, mold, and pollen thrive in humid conditions. Clean your home, especially surfaces you frequently touch. Wash your bedding and towels in hot water.
Avoid sharing personal items
This includes towels, handkerchiefs, eye makeup, and applicators. Sharing these items can easily spread conjunctivitis if someone you know is infected.
Minimize contact with allergens
If you have allergies, be extra vigilant during monsoon season. Dust, pollen, and pet dander can irritate your eyes and make them more susceptible to infection.
Consider wearing protective eyewear
When outdoors during heavy rain or wind, wear glasses or sunglasses to shield your eyes from dust, pollutants, and allergens.
See a doctor if symptoms appear
If you experience any symptoms of conjunctivitis, such as redness, itching, burning, watering, or discharge, consult a doctor right away.
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