
Vaping Vs Smoking: What Is Less Harmful?

By Radiocity Team
Published May 31, 2024

What is a vape?

An e-cigarette tool, Vape is an alternative or substitute for smoking. Many GenZ and millennials are indulging in the same. It comes in fruit and mint flavors.

Vape vs Cigarettes: Which is harmful?

While vaping is less harmful than cigarettes, it can cause equal or more side effects, such as respiratory issues, cancer, or complicated lung conditions.

Does vaping affect lungs?

Several vaping flavors contain a chemical named diacetyl and other toxic metals that can damage the respiratory system and increase cancer risk.


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Vaping vs Smoking: Is Vape addictive?

A decent amount of nicotine is also found in vaping, which is highly addictive. While it stimulates dopamine release, quitting vaping can be extremely difficult

How to quit vaping?

On World No Tobacco Day, seek counseling and resort to a healthier lifestyle that includes meditation, following a healthy diet, and promoting smoke-free future

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