
Positive Affirmations To Show Gratitude

By Radiocity Team
Published Jul 22, 2024

I am enough

Always be content with how enough you are. Writing these affirmations or journaling what you`re grateful for will bring about positive change.

I`m living the life of my dreams

Manifest a life that you have always wanted to live. Sending out signals to the universe will return in greater form.

I am worthy

Realize your self-worth and start your week with some strong affirmations. Write this down and kick-start your day on a positive note.

I am open to healing

A will to heal from past traumas and emotional wounds will only make you stronger and a better person.

I have everything I need to succeed

Success comes to those who work hard for it and believe in themselves when no one else does. Trust the process and never give up.

I will allow myself to evolve

Change is the only constant. While it is difficult and overwhelming to adapt to change, evolving will only help you grow and heal better.

I feel free when I forgive myself

Forgive yourself. Let go of things that are not in your control. You cannot always fix what you haven`t broken. Breathe, relax, smile, and let it go.

Embrace the glorious mess

If you don`t embrace the glorious mess you are, no one else will. Accept your strengths, work on your flaws, and be kinder to yourself.


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The secret to attraction is self love

When you love yourself, including all the flaws that make you human, you attract positivity in abundance. That is all you need on World Gratitude Day.

I`m in the right place at the right time

When something is meant for you, it won`t go away, no matter what. Believe that you`re in the right place at the right time and make the most of that moment.

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