Radio City Strives To Create An Inclusive Rural And Urban Music Industry, Says Ashit Kukian

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MAY 24,2024

When you think about a platform that encourages, emphasizes, and advocates for independent music and artists, Radio City has to be the pioneer in that space. Not only is it the first ever radio station to promote indie music, but it is also a platform that truly believes in the power and future of the industry.

Radio City's CEO, Ashit Kukian, sat down with Adgully for a candid chat where he spoke about the company's ambitions and aspirations to unearth talents from Tier 2 cities and how it has massively transformed the indie music industry.

Kukian elaborates on how this fusion has not only diversified the music industry but also fostered a more inclusive cultural landscape. The points he highlighted will keep listeners and artists excited to rely on such a platform.

Bridging the gap for inclusivity

The amalgamation of rural and urban music has revolutionized the Indian music industry, making it more inclusive than ever before. Ashit Kukian emphasizes that this integration has expanded the audience base, bringing together diverse musical tastes and traditions.

It has created a platform for both rural and urban music to thrive, enriching the overall music experience for listeners.

A cultural melting pot

One of the most significant benefits of this merger is the cultural exchange it promotes. Urban audiences are introduced to the rich heritage of traditional and folk music, while rural artists gain much-needed visibility and recognition in mainstream markets.

This cross-cultural interaction not only preserves traditional music forms but also ensures their evolution and relevance in contemporary times.

Economic empowerment through music

The inclusive approach adopted by Radio City opens up new economic avenues for rural artists. These artists now have access to urban platforms, sponsorships, and collaborative opportunities that were previously beyond their reach.

This exposure not only elevates their careers but also contributes to their economic upliftment, fostering a more equitable industry.

Nurturing innovation and creativity

The fusion of rural and urban musical styles has given birth to innovative and creative new sounds. This blending keeps the music scene vibrant and dynamic, continuously offering fresh and exciting content to audiences.

It also ensures that traditional music forms are not lost but instead reimagined and kept alive in modern contexts.

A musical social cohesion

Beyond the realm of entertainment, the unification of rural and urban music contributes significantly to social cohesion. It breaks down societal barriers, fostering a sense of unity and shared cultural heritage. This, in turn, helps in building a more harmonious and inclusive society.

A beautiful blend of urban and rural tunes

Ashit Kukian's insights shed light on the profound impact of uniting rural and urban music. The efforts to blend these distinct musical traditions have not only enhanced the diversity of the music industry but also promoted economic empowerment, innovation, and social unity.

As the music industry continues to evolve, the inclusive approach championed by Radio City stands as a testament to the power of cultural integration in creating a richer and more vibrant musical landscape.