Updated on: 20 January, 2024 07:29 PM IST |
Mantras are powerful phrases or affirmations that can be repeated to help focus the mind and promote positive thinking.
Saraswati namastubhyam, Varde Kaamarupini, Vidyarambham karishyami, Siddhir bhavatu me sadaa
Meaning: My genuine worship O Goddess Saraswati. You fulfill all my wishes. So as I start my studies, I request you to help me achieve perfection.
Meaning: My genuine worship O Goddess Saraswati. You fulfill all my wishes. So as I start my studies, I request you to help me achieve perfection.
Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu, Om Shanti, Shanti Shanteeh
Meaning: May health prosper forever, may peace prosper forever, may complete abundance flourish forever, may auspiciousness thrive forever, may peace reflect everywhere.
Meaning: May health prosper forever, may peace prosper forever, may complete abundance flourish forever, may auspiciousness thrive forever, may peace reflect everywhere.
Krishnaaya vaasudevaaya haraye paramaatmanepranatah klesha naashaaya govindaaya namo namaha
Meaning: O Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva, you are the Absolute Lord who eradicates all grief.The destroyer of evil and misery, O Govinda, I hereby bow to You.
Meaning: O Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva, you are the Absolute Lord who eradicates all grief.The destroyer of evil and misery, O Govinda, I hereby bow to You.
Om kaaram bindu samyuktam nityam dhyaayanti yoginahKaamadam mokshadam chaiva Omkaaraaya namo namaha
Meaning: We pay homage to the divine sound of Om and its Bindu -dot that is meditated upon by the sages. Chanting this mantra leads to freedom from bondage and fulfillment of wishes
Meaning: We pay homage to the divine sound of Om and its Bindu -dot that is meditated upon by the sages. Chanting this mantra leads to freedom from bondage and fulfillment of wishes
Aayur dehee dhanam dehee, vidyaam dehee maheshwari, samastamakhilam dehee, dehee mey parameshwari
Meaning: Impart me a long life, impart me wealth, impart me knowledge O Maheshwari -Mother Goddess, O Parmeshwari, impart me everything I desire. -Maheshwari is the partner of Maheshwara, Lord Siva. As per scriptures, anyone who prays to Shiva or his consort is always granted a boon.
Meaning: Impart me a long life, impart me wealth, impart me knowledge O Maheshwari -Mother Goddess, O Parmeshwari, impart me everything I desire. -Maheshwari is the partner of Maheshwara, Lord Siva. As per scriptures, anyone who prays to Shiva or his consort is always granted a boon.
"Shaantaakaaram bhujagashayanam padmanaabham suresham vishwaadhaaram gaganasadrasham meghavarnam shubhaangam lakshmikaantam kamalanayanam yogibhirdhyaanagamyam vande vishnum bhavabhayaharam sarvalokaikanaatham"
Meaning: The protector of the universe Lord Vishnu lays silently on the serpent bed. It is from the navel of Lord Vishnu that the lotus on which Lord Brhama rests, rises. He is seen in the blue sky and dark clouds too. He is also the lotus-eyed one who is the Lord of Lakshmi. Through meditation, the yogis praise Lord Vishnu and we hereby surrender to this revered God.
Meaning: The protector of the universe Lord Vishnu lays silently on the serpent bed. It is from the navel of Lord Vishnu that the lotus on which Lord Brhama rests, rises. He is seen in the blue sky and dark clouds too. He is also the lotus-eyed one who is the Lord of Lakshmi. Through meditation, the yogis praise Lord Vishnu and we hereby surrender to this revered God.
Om tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pusti - vardhanam | urva - rukamiva bandhanan mrtyor - muksheeya ma amritat
Meaning: We hereby worship the three-eyed Lord Shiva who radiates holy fragrance and forever nurtures his disciples. On worshiping him may we liberate from death for the sake of immortality like a ripe cucumber effortlessly separates itself from the stalk.
Meaning: We hereby worship the three-eyed Lord Shiva who radiates holy fragrance and forever nurtures his disciples. On worshiping him may we liberate from death for the sake of immortality like a ripe cucumber effortlessly separates itself from the stalk.
Manojavam maarutatulyavegam jitendriyam buddhimataamvaristham, vaataatmajam vaanarayoothmukhyam sriramdootam saranam prapadhye
Meaning: Dear Lord Hanuman, the messenger of Lord Shri Rama, I surrender my life to you. Being the son of wind, your speed and mind are likewise. You have complete control over the sensory organs, are the wisest among the wise men and head the vanaras -monkeys. Your devotion is paramount dear Lord Hanuman, the envoy of Shri Ram.
Meaning: Dear Lord Hanuman, the messenger of Lord Shri Rama, I surrender my life to you. Being the son of wind, your speed and mind are likewise. You have complete control over the sensory organs, are the wisest among the wise men and head the vanaras -monkeys. Your devotion is paramount dear Lord Hanuman, the envoy of Shri Ram.
Om bhur bhuva swaha tat saviturva renyam bhargo devasya dimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
Meaning: The Almighty Goddess, slayer of misery, you are like the bright sun who destroys sins. It is your divinity that guides us to the right path.
Meaning: The Almighty Goddess, slayer of misery, you are like the bright sun who destroys sins. It is your divinity that guides us to the right path.
Vakratunnda maha-kaaya surya-kotti samaprabha, nirvighnam kuru me deva sarva-kaaryeshu sarvadaa
Meaning: Oh Lord Ganesha, the one with a majestic trunk and the radiance of a million suns, I pray to you to remove all obstacles from my endeavors.
Meaning: Oh Lord Ganesha, the one with a majestic trunk and the radiance of a million suns, I pray to you to remove all obstacles from my endeavors.
The Sanskrit language offers an array of divine mantras from religious texts. Some of these preach the righteous way of life to be followed by one and all. To attain a happy and peaceful life, read on about these inspiring mantras.